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Upsamplers, DACs, jitter, shakes and analogue withdrawals, this is it.

Re: Jitter at what point in the chain?

<< If the bits are correct coming off of the disc (and they almost always are) the only errors left are timing errors which are (by definition) jitter errors. >>

Come on, Ted. I'm not just some guy on the next bar stool over. I've had a little bit of hands-on experience in these matters. And I can assure you that while what you are saying makes perfect sense, it is unfortunately not the case.

Let me give just one (of dozens) of counter-examples. If you take a Wadia or other two-box machine that has a "Clock-Link" design, where the clock is in the DAC and is fed upstream to the transport, then there should be absolutely no sonic differences between transports according to your assertion. Nor would there be any audible differences from using tweaks like green pens, truing machines, mats, et cetera. But this is simply not the case.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

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