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Originals I bought in 1975

Yup, blue grills. Got them at the end of my freshman year at the U of Minn. At the time I had a Sony receiver and a Garrard Zero 100 turntable. I eventually got a Dynaco ST 150 amp, then a Dynaco PAT-5 preamp. Had to get a woofer reconed a few times... Around 1984 I got my first pair of Magnepans and the JBL's went into storage until about 6 years ago.

I had been using them in an unfinished basement, playing classic concerts on YouTube while working out. Needless to say I didn't put any effort into setting them up. I decided to bring the JBL'S to the winter house in Florida, along with a Van Alstine Transcendence preamp from around 1985 (built in the PAT-5 chassis) and a Audio Research D-52B amp I bought used in the mid 80's.

I just wanted to listen to some music down here and already had this system, so I figured, why not? The Bluesound Node and Schiit Bifrost came along as the music source. It was obvious pretty quickly that one of the tweeters is shot, so I've got a new pair on order. The JBL'S - and the amp and preamp - sound better than they have any right to and I'm mighty glad I hung onto them all these years.



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