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Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?

Posted on December 13, 2023 at 23:20:31

Posts: 94
Location: Long Island
Joined: August 17, 2015

A pair of these drivers may be available for a price much better than this.

I've read of happy endings; top three posts.

But sad stories too; post #26.

Has anyone had lasting success and happiness using this driver in a two way system? If yes, with what horn?

And how difficult was it to design the crossover? Please share details.


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RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on December 14, 2023 at 03:00:40
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I have a pair of Radian 475Be 1 inch drivers and to be honest I don't find them so wonderful to listen to. I much prefer the pair Beyma CP350Ti drivers...much smoother and dimensional sounding (I get a flatness from the Be drivers that I don't like).

For a 1.4 inch format, I am finding the Beyma CP755Ti to be wonderful; it is also very smooth and extends to nearly 20Khz. No evidence of breakup sonically.


RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on December 14, 2023 at 06:14:30

Posts: 2016
Location: Georgia, USA
Joined: January 28, 2003
I cant comment on the 745Be but I have lived with the 475pb for a couple of years and liked them as much as the couple Altec 800 variants before them.
A friend says they are more natural sounding than the Be's... for what it's worth.

I am now working on a new project and thought I would try something new on recommendation from another friend (who's really into esoteric vintage kit) and that's the B&C DE250 with a polyimide diaphragm. I'm in the process of burning in and swapping it in and out of horns but am really liking what I'm hearing. It has a calmness or organic sense about it. Hard to explain but it keeps sounding better and better.

The B&C 1.4" format with the polyimide dighragm is the DE800


RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on December 14, 2023 at 06:14:46

Posts: 94
Location: Long Island
Joined: August 17, 2015
Thank you, this helps. But I wish that I could here Pierre's system with the 745neobe in those 4001 horns. He's probably the only one to date who made them sing.Being an EE though it took him 30 attempts to perfect the crossover. https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/beyond-the-ariel.100392/page-764 Post # 15,266.


RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on December 14, 2023 at 07:28:38

Posts: 512
Joined: March 28, 2002
no experience with radian 745beNEO but 745pb drivers are really good (SQ) and dont need a tweeter. sound wise closer to newer TAD than JBL. by the way usspeaker graphs of Be show HF to be significantly lower than PB.


RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on December 14, 2023 at 08:18:24

Posts: 94
Location: Long Island
Joined: August 17, 2015
I wouldn't doubt that B&C driver sounding much different than what Troy Crowe suggested to Lynn Olson to complete his build; post # 15,334. https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/beyond-the-ariel.100392/page-767


$1800 is tough, posted on December 14, 2023 at 13:40:40
Jon L

Posts: 6222
Joined: April 6, 2000
for a pair, even if you can get them quite a bit cheaper.

I'm happily playing around with Chi-clone B&C DE990TN 1.4" titanium CD, and while most metal-diaphragm CD's seem to have elevation in the presence region with certain uneven resonances, I am now thinking the news of titanium CD's demise was premature. They can certainly be molded and tamed to yield exceedingly clear, sparkling, musical sound..


RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on December 15, 2023 at 10:03:37

Posts: 8908
Joined: July 4, 2002
This will sound hard to believe perhaps but by far the most obvious thing one hears is frequency response of a speaker.
Part of what makes making horns "more fun" than picking parts out of a catalogue is that essentially any driver on any horn will produce sound and VERY few combinations will have good frequency response without equalization.
EQ if applied to the loudspeakers direct response you can correct both magnitude and phase simultaneously but if you try to EQ a reflection (a signal delayed and returned) you can improve that notches appearance but your messing up phase trying to fix something that is not the loudspeaker (the only thing you can possibly fix electronically).

How high up do you have to operate the lower drivers?

Up close, on axis you only hear the direct on axis sound, farther back you hear the direct and reflected sound. A sudden change in directivity can be audible


RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?, posted on January 25, 2024 at 13:32:17

Posts: 94
Location: Long Island
Joined: August 17, 2015
"This will sound hard to believe perhaps but by far the most obvious thing one hears is frequency response of a speaker." Yes, it is the most obvious thing, but if it were truly sufficient for selecting drivers and horns, crossovers and EQ points many people would likely end up owning most of the same speakers, at least horn type speakers-as opposed to ESLs, open baffles and other cone type drivers, etc.

Pierre is a brilliant EE and has been an invaluable guide throughout my audio journey. And I would challenge anyone to go beyond what he has achieved with perfecting the EQ for the Radian 745Be.
https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/beyond-the-ariel.100392/page-764 Post # 15,266, 15,276.

And yet how likely will his speakers sound like those using a driver like the B&C DCM50, as described by Troy Crowe, between 17:27 and 25:05 here?

Thus, with the DCM50 to be used in Lynn Olson's new speakers-post 15,334-
https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/beyond-the-ariel.100392/page-767 I keep wondering how my CD track rips saved to uncompressed WAV files would sound on Pierre's and Lynn's speakers.


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