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RE: Radian 745NeoBe: Harsh/Hard or Smooth/Easy?

Posted by tomservo on December 15, 2023 at 10:03:37:

This will sound hard to believe perhaps but by far the most obvious thing one hears is frequency response of a speaker.
Part of what makes making horns "more fun" than picking parts out of a catalogue is that essentially any driver on any horn will produce sound and VERY few combinations will have good frequency response without equalization.
EQ if applied to the loudspeakers direct response you can correct both magnitude and phase simultaneously but if you try to EQ a reflection (a signal delayed and returned) you can improve that notches appearance but your messing up phase trying to fix something that is not the loudspeaker (the only thing you can possibly fix electronically).

How high up do you have to operate the lower drivers?

Up close, on axis you only hear the direct on axis sound, farther back you hear the direct and reflected sound. A sudden change in directivity can be audible