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RE: Good for it's price

Hi Pete,

I got the Trends Audio USB converter so I can use my non-usb Assemblage Dac Combo. The AQVOX came by accident a few days ago for me to try and evaluate (I did not buy it). I'm having really great sound using the Trends converter with my current Dac combo and won't contemplate buying the AQVOX unless it turns out to be superior in ALL areas to the Assemblage units, which I still seriously doubt, eventhough the AQVOX is indeed a very nice sounding unit by itself. The Assemblage units (circa 2001 at MSRP $3400 ) are much much better built than the AQVOX and more natural sounding across the board with excellent sonic weight and heft.

The Trends unit might be 'cheap' but it is a very 'nice sounding' unit provided you feed it with a good USB cable and a similarly good coax cable at the output.

This is my first venture into serious PC audio and so far the outcome is fantastic. More experiments are sure to follow..


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