Home High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

Need speakers that can rock with just one watt? You found da place.

RE: Are you really of the notion

The LX 521.4 is an open baffle design to remove "the box resonances" and their phase issues.

More importantly, as a SYSTEM, that provides an AMAZING 3-Dimensional presentation of the Music in Space, where the Speakers themselves simply "Disappear" Acoustically speaking.

Their Figure 8 pattern inherently decouples the speakers from the room by Side Cancellations which "throw away" driver Efficiency to achieve all the goals of that type of reproduction.

Having owned 3 pairs of Caver Amazing speakers and helping a friend build his version of it (Six 10" drivers and on large Bohlender Graebener Planar Magnetic driver, side by side), the speakers have the unique presentation that is quite remarkable. The antithesis of my preferred All Horn systems.

Nevermind that he's using JC-1 Plus class A/AB power amps at 1 Horsepower Each to drive them, they just do sound Terrific, at a HIGH PRICE, for the hifi.

I only mention this in CONTRAST to the Horns People here, including me. IMHO, this type of system is not for the Weak Wallet types like me and other Klipscheads from that forum.

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Follow Ups Full Thread
Follow Ups
  • RE: Are you really of the notion - claudej1@aol.com 07:31:32 06/13/23 (2)
    • Sure - E-Stat 07:52:09 06/13/23 (1)
      • RE: Sure - claudej1@aol.com 09:39:57 06/13/23 (0)


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