Home High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

Need speakers that can rock with just one watt? You found da place.

RE: What makes a driver High Efficiency?

Great answer. All that remains is Distance and Size of Indoors or Outdoors. I'm sure the rock quarry near your house is really quiet today!

BTW, my good friend retired Architect/Builder is a real speaker craftsman. He just bought Parasound JC-1+ monobloc power amps that are Class A/AB (after the first 30 Watts) that have 1 Horsepower per channel.

With 140 Amps of current in the Specs, I asked him if he wanted to use them as Arc Welders too!

Space heaters driving inefficient Planar Magnetics/tall array of Open Baffle woofers require lots of air space, especially in the summer. But they are near open windows most days now. LOL.

Meanwhile, I'm driving all my horns with TI 3255 chip amp derivatives. What a World, this audio stuff, all for our favorite musical illusions.

Edits: 05/29/23

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  • RE: What makes a driver High Efficiency? - claudej1@aol.com 08:46:24 05/29/23 (0)


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