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What lurks in your storage?

Posted on December 12, 2023 at 07:08:51
G Squared

Posts: 8645
Location: Washington, DC Metro Area
Joined: November 16, 2004
May 23, 2023

I got this for $25 at a yard sale over 40 years ago. One channel was out. I stored it away for a few years. In my first job I had Crown (medical imaging amplifiers)as a client. I told their rep. About the amp and he asked me to bring it on a visit to their factory.

We handed it off to the audio side of the shop and I got it back fixed and updated to the latest version with a bench performance data sheet at a reasonable price since shipping was not needed.

I used this amp in many systems. It drove the hell out of a pair of Maggie SMGa speakers. It can be a bit harsh on top.

It is still fully functional except for a noisy gain pot.
What lurks in your storage?


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mine is an amp that needs repair , posted on December 12, 2023 at 11:45:47

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a Class A Kinergetics KBA-75 that used to push around any speaker I could hook it up to and cruise like no other I've ever owned. Better also than a Mark Levinson Class A I sold. They both sucked power out of the wall like no tomorrow.

And I mean push it around like it was rated at half the power it could pump out. My Quads just loved it, enticing me to play more and more music.

I'm waiting for some extra money to roll on in for the parts I need.

Bought it RIGHT HERE on the Asylum Trader!


40 years ago shipping wasn't expensive. but it still would have , posted on December 12, 2023 at 13:50:43

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Joined: October 19, 2006
been a few bucks to get the unit sent to you.

I've got a DL-2 I'm gonna work on and an OC-150a, sold off the other Crowns of my collection. John now has the IC-150a, 2-D-150a and I've got an FM-1 I'm gonna give him when I get it working right...tuning is a bit off and sound quality suffers.

that's just the Crown just. There is more.


Too much stuff..., posted on December 13, 2023 at 03:43:03
ghost of olddude55

Posts: 33674
Joined: July 14, 2017
I've got three turntables but only need one. Been using a Dual 1219 because it's too heavy to ship, and it's easy to swap cartridges.
An AR XA that needs a motor. Still works. Motor noise is only audible when no music is playing. It's also too expensive to ship.
And a Rega Planar 6. I still have all the original packing for this one, and it's fairly light being a Rega. Will probably sell it after the bleedin' holidays are over.
I'm using Fried Model RII speakers because they weigh 65 pounds each so you know they ain't getting shipped anywhere.

The blissful counterstroke-a considerable new message.


well -- dump find Crowns from way back, posted on December 13, 2023 at 05:09:54

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October 23, 2016
They work as they should -- unfortunately. ;)
Not really "hifi", but indestructible.



I don't have the heart to chuck them.

all the best,


Had a D150 as a teen, posted on December 13, 2023 at 06:08:38

Posts: 38425
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April 5, 2002
As you say, indestructible. My system was used for the 1974 Miss RHS high school pageant. I had to set up under a table and inadvertently shorted an output with a screwdriver while powered up. Slightly welded the screwdriver to one of the posts. Turn off, yank off the screwdriver and power back up. All was well driving double Advents with Microstatic tweeters! Today, they're still good for subwoofer use.

The Ick preamp, however, is only good for emulating the root canal experience. Initially (when I was young, dumb and believed in the THD fairy), I wanted one but mercifully the dealer convinced me to audition a Harman-Kardon Citation 11 instead. Much better! He also lent me an Audio Research SP-3a over a weekend. Couldn't afford one then, but that is one reason why I use an ARC pre to this day. :)


My problem today, posted on December 13, 2023 at 08:46:57
M3 lover

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I disposed of several components a few years ago prior to a major move. But I still have more items that I'll not likely use again, so should sell those too.

However shipping has become so expensive over the last few years that some items may cost almost as much to ship as they are worth. Plus there is the ongoing concern for potential damage and the ensuing hassle with claims, etc.

For some items I could have sold from home before, I'm now in a much smaller community, so a very limited market. Then it seems there are more security risks now for non-cash payments or even questionable customers, including "casing the house" for later break-in.

So I remain with a stack of boxes in the workroom. :^(

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing, if you can fake that you've got it made." Groucho


Seeing more and more iterations of the Crown amp faceplates..., posted on December 13, 2023 at 10:17:27

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this one with brushed aluminum and IOC LED holes but without the IOCs? Is the board behind the faceplate?


Love the cartridge storage in the pill bottle. nt, posted on December 13, 2023 at 10:45:40
G Squared

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Location: Washington, DC Metro Area
Joined: November 16, 2004
May 23, 2023


I tend to give stuff away , posted on December 13, 2023 at 14:48:49

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Sadly, when there is a problem with anything, people tend to throw out equipment they have not paid for. Sometimes, a quick call can provide a fix.


ARC SP3A, Dynaco ST-70, JM Reynaud Trente, Jolida CD100, various speakers... , posted on December 13, 2023 at 15:49:27

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January 28, 2004
Stuff that needs repair from earlier Honey I'm Home stages (and phases).

Along with some nice cables, OK CDPs and a few other this's and that's.

The tubes are all in the library, upstairs.

Gave a fairly new pair of Elac bookshelf speakers, a nice, vintage Rega CDP
and a very nice vintage Rega integrated to a friend recently and he's thrilled
with the results. Now he has a West Coast stereo too.

I'm going to try and make it a priority to get the "better" equipment repaired
next year, though I may have said that last year. Too.

OMG! There's a decent Omega Deephemp sub staring at my right this very
minute pleading "Fix me! Fix me!"

I keep meaning to get to a Procrastinators' Anonymous meeting, but...

"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination"-Michael McClure


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 13, 2023 at 15:52:39

Posts: 706
Location: Boston
Joined: January 11, 2009
Onkyo T-9 tuner
Brand new Sony XDR-F1HD Tuner
Sansui Classique Turntable
BIC T-05 Tape Deck
KLH Model 20 speakers with cabinets in very rough shape
Burhoe Acoustic Crimson loudspeakers
ADC Soundshaper One equalizer
Rosinante Darkmatter Isolation Stand
Audio Desk Systeme CD Edger
Da-Lite Video Screen Frame
Gryphon Exorcist
Elan Multizone amplifier
Elan Tuner
Tannoy Arena center channel speaker
Couple of VCRs
Bag of various brand remote controls
Half dozen VMPS logos
15" VMPS Passive Radiator
Pioneer bookshelf speakers

I probably missed a few things.


Joule Electra VAMP Integrated, posted on December 14, 2023 at 06:07:16

Posts: 882
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I don't know -- I'll have to look at some point!, posted on December 14, 2023 at 09:42:37

Posts: 16100
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October 23, 2016
I'll post an update... maybe separately, since I tend to move slowly on such things! ;)

all the best,


Nothing vintage or very old...., posted on December 14, 2023 at 21:00:35

Posts: 46997
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February 2, 2002
I have these stored away in the basement utility room or closet under the basement stairway.

- Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated amp
- Peachtree iDecco integrated amp
- Thiel CS2.4 speakers black near mint
- KAB Technics SL1200mkII turntable
- 1/2 dozen MM & MC cartridges
- Bob's Devices CineMag SUT
- PS Audio GCPH Phono preamp
- Turntable required ritual accessories
- Just one milk crate of LP's [stream baby stream!]
- Schiit Asgard 2 Headphone Amp
- Grado RS1E Headphones mint + a few others
- Salamander S40 audio rack (vertical orientation)
- Salamander S20 double-wide rack (horizontal orientation)
- Retired 2012 Mac Mini Audirvana/Roon server, SMPS removed
- 12vdc 10amp TeraDak outboard LPS for Mac Mini above
- Sony DVD/Blu-ray/SACD player mint [stream baby stream!]
- 2 huge Home Depot bins with various new and NOS tubes
- Power cords, interconnects, and speaker cables out the yin-yang


Play one after each meal (nt), posted on December 14, 2023 at 21:35:54
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Location: Orange Co., Ca
Joined: September 19, 2001


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 15, 2023 at 08:28:10
Mick Wolfe

Posts: 3401
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September 4, 2000
Actually the only items I have in storage are cables and failed tweaks. This would consist of a wicker laundry basket crammed full of various speaker cables, power cables and IC's and a drawer full of failed tweaks.
All true core components are still in a rotation of sorts.(4 amps, 2 pre-amps and 5 pairs of speakers)


Me too!, posted on December 15, 2023 at 11:53:26

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January 18, 2009
Beautiful to look at, but like nails on a chalk board to listen to, especially with Infinity 2000A's electrostatic RTR tweeters. Didn't know any better at the time. A very heavily modified Phase Linear 400 was way better sounding!


RE: What lurks in your storage? Too much!, posted on December 15, 2023 at 12:01:27

Posts: 1011
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January 18, 2009
too much and building up so need to put it on AA.

A Pass Labs Xono phono, a Marantz SA7-S1 player, and a beautiful vintage VPI HW-19 piano black turntable with an unused Applied Fidelity sapphire and ceramic bearing assembly.


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 15, 2023 at 13:49:23
Jack G

Posts: 9746
Joined: September 24, 1999
In no particular order, and from memory:
Wavelength Cardinals
Jadis DA-60
moth 2A3
Rogers high fidelity EHF-100
George Wright custom made type 10 SET
Almarro SET (bigger one)
Cary SLI-80 (Triode mutation)
Pass Labs INT-60
Coda CSiB
ASL Leyla-845 SET
Rogue Audio Chronus
Wyred 4 sound STI-500
D-sonics 1500 mono blocks
lavardin integrated forget the model

Ohm Walsh 5000s
Gallo solos
ML Montesses
Silverline Sonata IIIs
Some really old Time Frames

There's also some preamps that have no remote. Some of the integrateds also didn't come with a remote.
I got rid of most of my tubes except for a dresser full and a tube caddy full.
Lot's of cables too.

I'm probably forgetting something...



Not much, posted on December 15, 2023 at 17:02:06

Posts: 38425
Joined: May 12, 2000
April 5, 2002
Backup Shinon Red cartridge, RPi4/pCP streamer and HRT Linestreamer+ ADC I've tried to sell. Some cables.

Runnin' everything else in multiple systems.


Good memory; big garage, posted on December 16, 2023 at 03:46:32

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March 12, 2004
You could easily sell at lot of the stuff to appreciative buyers if you could be bothered.

Dmitri Shostakovich


RE: Not much, posted on December 16, 2023 at 05:34:01

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I have a Shinon Red Boron, it's a wonderful cartridge


RE: Not much, posted on December 16, 2023 at 06:13:09

Posts: 38425
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April 5, 2002
Since the mid 80s, I've found mid output moving coils to fill a "Goldilocks" spot enabling the use of a high gain two stage preamp. I replaced it twenty years ago with a VPI based Dynavector DV20 with same 1.0 mV output. Now use a different preamp with similar 72 db overall gain.

Several years ago, I had the Shinon retipped by Soundsmith for use with an Ariston RD11s turntable with SME3009 I purchased as a teen for the garage system. Later gave the turntable to our preacher and kept the Shinon. I put a Shure M97 on the SME for his use.


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 16, 2023 at 12:39:37
Steelhead Mike

Posts: 108
Location: New England
Joined: September 2, 2000
To the best of my recollection:

Marantz 2238B (restored)
ADS L520 (2 pairs)
PTP 6 plinth, heavy baltic birch by Carl Ellis
KLH 17s
Altec 414-16Cs
Altec 604 H-IIIs (new)
Schitt Mani (new)
Cary SLP-90 modified by Mike Samra
Thorens 124 plinth, heavy baltic birch
Numerous empty DIPA cans and other detritus



RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 16, 2023 at 15:21:23
Posts: 1279
Location: Maine
Joined: August 16, 2011

Hi, I have 2 of these as there mono.They have there own power source. I plan to by pass the tome controls . A bare minimum mono vacuum tube preamp with lots of selection and it's own power source...Heathkit AA-60.... Mark Korda


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 17, 2023 at 00:31:51
Krav Maga

Posts: 2414
Location: Texas
Joined: October 19, 2017
Adcom GFA555 power amplifier
NAD 3020 integrated amplifier
Carver C-11 preamp
Carver Premiere AV-705x power amplifier

"Political correctness is America's newest form of intolerance, and it is especially pernicious because it comes disguised as tolerance."

- George Carlin


In no particular order . . ., posted on December 17, 2023 at 19:09:58

Posts: 7565
Joined: December 9, 2000
November 1, 2005
Audioprism Mantissa preamp
McCormick DNA.5 amp
Merlin TSM speakers
Reynaud Twin speakers
Diapason Micra speakers
Rogers LS 3/5A speakers
Harbeth LS 3/5A
Chartwell LS 3/5A
Several Large Advents
New Large Advents
Small Advents
Advent 3 speakers
EPI 100 speakers
EPI 5 speakers
2 pair ADS L620 speakers
ADS L 710 speaker
Polk Audio 4 speaker
Reynolds Advance Speaker
KEF Q60 speaker
Large Genesis Speaker
AR 18 speakers
Electrovoice Leyton speakers
Dynaco A-25 speakers
Bose 301 series 1 speakers
Scoutmaster Turntable
2 Pioneer PL12D turntables
2 Pioneer PL 45 turntables
Yamaha PF800 turntable
JVC QL7 turntable
Kenwood 2055 turntable
Kenwood KD550 turntable
Pioneer 112D turntable
Kyocera turntable
Harman Kardon T-20 turntable
ADS 400 speakers
NAD 3020 integrated amp
NAD 1155 preamp
Thorens TD 125 turntable with rewired Rega RB300 arm
Kenwood KA 7300 integrated amp
Kenwood KA 8100 integrated amp
Kenwood KA 9100 integrated amp
Harman Kardon PM640 integrated amp
Pioneer PL-730 turntable
Dual 1009 turntable
Dual 1019 turntable
Dual1219 turntable
Dynaco ST70 amp
ASR Mini Basis phono preamp
2 AR-XA turntables
2 AR-XA two motor turntables
Sansui AU-717 integrated amp
Sansui AU-5900 integrated amp
Marantz 2238 receiver
Marantz 2270 receiver
Fisher 500C receiver
Fisher X-100C integrated amp
Fisher 400 receiver
Nikko Alpha 230 amp
Sansui AU-5500 integrated amp
Hafler DH-110 preamp
Nikko Beta 30 preamp
Eico HF-85 preamp
Yamaha A2070 receiver
Yamaha CR-620 receiver
Yamaha CA-1000 integrated amp
Kenwood C1 preamp
2 Kenwood M1 amps
Panasonic SP10 MK1 turntable with Rabco SL-8 tonearm
Velodyne UL-15 subwoofer
2 M&K V125 subwoofers
2 B&W 805 center speakers
Several phono cartridges
2 Technics 1100 turntables
2 Adcom 555 amps
2 Adcom 535 amps
Superphon Revelation preamp modified by Stan
Eico HF-81 amp
2 Bogen 110 amps
Marantz 2230 receiver
2 Marantz 1060 integrated amps and 1 matching tuner
Sansui 9900 tuner
Advent 300 receiver
Pioneer SG 9 equalizer
Pioneer SG 9500 equalizer
Infinity Primus 160 speakers
JBL L100 speakers
Pioneer SP-BS22 speakers
2 Pioneer SP-C22 center speakers
Rabco SL8 tonearm heavily modified by David Shreve
Paradigm 5se speakers
B&W DM 110 speakers
Mission 760 speakers
KLH 17 speakers
Boston CR6 speakers
Yamaha NS10 speakers
Pinnacle PN5 satellite speakers and sub
Technics SL-1600 MK1 turntable
TEAC A 1500 reel to reel
Yamaha RX-A870 receiver
Sansui 2000X receiver
Garrard 301 oil bearing turntable
Garrard RC 88 record changer
Pioneer PL-550 turntable
Empire 698 and 398 turntables
Tannoy System 800 speakers
Technics SL-1600 MKII turntable
I'm too tired to continue, and other stuff is hidden behind stuff listed above
Also, the word hoarder comes to mind.


Your storage is a..., posted on December 17, 2023 at 21:36:08

Posts: 32134
Location: San Francisco
Joined: July 8, 2003
January 28, 2004
Used Stereo Shop?

Man, that's some list!!!!

"Once this was all Black Plasma and Imagination"-Michael McClure


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 22, 2023 at 13:12:17

Posts: 97
Joined: July 3, 2002
Berning TF 10 and Berning BA 2x150. Lux PD121 turntable with Mayware Formula 4 arm. Quad 63 USA monitors


RE: What lurks in your storage?, posted on December 24, 2023 at 00:45:37

Posts: 74
Location: CA
Joined: March 31, 2019
Items functional but not currently in use include:

Fisher KM-60 tube tuner, Sansui TU-717 SS tuner, Teac 3300S reel-to-reel, JVC KDV6 cassette, Conrad-Johnson PV10-AL preamp, and more

Items in need of service or repair include:

Hagerman Cornet phono stage, Mapletree Audio Design 4A preamp, Magnepan MMG (one speaker has delam - DIY repair in progress), Tube Audio Design TAD-1000 monoblocks


Oh my . . ., posted on January 11, 2024 at 17:02:00

Posts: 4
Location: South Carolina
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January 11, 2024
If by storage you mean something not currently in my main system then, pair of Carver Crimson 350's, Pair of Cary Audio 805RS, Pair of Cary Audio Sixpacs, Pair of Wright Sound Company WPA 3.5's, Sunfire 2Ch, Pair of Hafler Pro2400's, Pioneer SX-1080, Luxman D-105u (2x), Pair of AR Classic 30's, Beosound 9000, Pair of Tannoy NFM-8's, Adcom GTP-500?, DBX 20/20. . .

In my defense, a lot of this rotates through my main system and I occasionally put together a second system in a former pool room that is down in my garage. I've listened to everything within the last 2 years. Some of it is likely headed for the block as I hone in on what it is truly a solid "core system with a few options".


Tubes, posted on January 11, 2024 at 17:55:38
Jay Buridan

Posts: 10720
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"Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. "
― W.C. Fields


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