Home Music Lane

It's all about the music, dude! Sit down, relax and listen to some tunes.

Yes, your last point is exactly right...

"the point where the balance lies". If the big orchestras (not to mention Chamber Music performer -- we CAN'T EVEN GO THERE) continue to "stick to the core works" watch the concert halls empty out during the next decade as the number of old folks attending starts to decrease. The idea is to draw in NEW fans and audiences, not simply satisfy the needs of the existing ones. To do that, they have to be "attracted" to what's being presented. It is sad to think that the perspective being taken by the major orchestras and ensembles is that they believe the solution lies with the tried-and-true exclusively.

It sounds to me like you have been "put off" by new compositions not unlike the the tenor of someone who lived through the Serial killings of the 1960's. There is a universe of Neo-Classical and Neo-Romantic music that is highly appealing and readily available for presentation to the public. It is not being performed. If you are younger than the age I identified, more's the pity, as you would fall into MY age bracket, I'm asking these artists for MORE...before it's too late.

No art form can survive that stagnates. It MAY "re-invent itself" in the future if it withers for awhile, but the TRADITION is lost. Hell, maybe that's a good thing. It's exactly this tradition that is holding it back.

BTW, all of your commentary regarding "it's all that I buy" etc. says that you are still in the "collecting phase". I am at the tail end of it, having gathered as much as I could possibly ever need (trust me on this). As such, my policy going forward is effectively (for purchasing new recordings): If the work wasn't composed in the last 20 years or so, don't bother. Sure, I'll make the occassional exception!:-)...

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  • Yes, your last point is exactly right... - SE 03:24:35 04/11/07 (0)

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