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Re: Marantz SA-11w/ Reference Audio Mods Modifications

i guess that there are different strokes for different folks. there was a time that i was interested in buying and selling equipment, maintain its value was paramount. but acheiving the best sound reproduction possible has become more important.

i have had all of my equipment extensively moddified ... why? because all equipment is built to a pricie point. to make a player that costs 200 - 300 bucks means that something has to give. yes a cap is a cap a value is a value but is it really? i have heard the differences between the superclock 3 and the superclock 4. in my system the difference was not subtle. i have heard the difference that a radical mod on my aleph 3 made. HUGHE!!!! i have learned that i must be willing to risk something to gain something. in audio i am willing to take those risks. i know that i can always return to the previous state.

Cain & Cain single Horn Ben
-replaced stocked caps with jupiter ..... more body and clairity very smooth more resolution

Alpha Core MI1
-cryo'd .... smoother, dynamic, resolution

Nelson Pass Aleph 3
-custom diode bridge on oak, cablepods, bolt through transformer removed, transformer on pine, silver wire ... way more resolution, air, dynamics,

Bent audio TVC
-cryo'd .... very smooth, liquid, grain free

Ack Dac
-new batteries, silver wire, regulator, WBT's, wood chassis .... you would not recognize the sound. STUNNING!!!! still much more to do.

47 labs flatfish
-optima red top battereis, pio caps, silver wire, super clock 4, regulato, all on wood, etc. still more to come

all ic's cyo'd

more to do.


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