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RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues...

Thanks Tangram,

As this is vital information of which I, and I'm certain others can appreciate | use accordingly. I'm aware that silver plated copper, as with the pure silver - rhodium IeGO 8095 plugs that were on the $600 silver plated power cord of which the Accuphase replaced, offered an even more spot lit presentation.

As mentioned I solely use said cord as a means of taming down the brighter aspect of said everSOLO, of which I still wanted a certain amount of presence on top, so in this regards it's better suited to my system | ears as compared to said rhodium or pure silver - rhodium plated plugs, or silver plated copper cords of which I've tried a total of three different models within the Xangsane line..., maybe because of my aging 65 year old something ears?, or the true ribbon tweeters in my chosen mini-monitors?, I feel that just maybe by adding two forms of warmth, both copper and gold plated copper plugs might in turn slow things down to much for me to fully appreciate?, yet once again, as nothing is cast into stone, and said plugs are already here, it's just a matter of effort on my part in flipping out the silver plated male for the gold plated one.., once again I'm openminded enough for growth, as well as exploring said possibilities.

As a matter of fact, I took it upon myself to purchase one more gold plated copper ac plug, namely the IeGO 8075, of which I've owned in the past without trying, so it seems appropriate that I try it once again, I mean if it's good enough to be used on the various LessLoss PCs as shown above, there has to be logic behind this company using it right?.

Once again, your feedback in said matters are more than appreciated | even more so than you'll ever know.

Thanks as always | Brother Tangram.

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