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RE: Tangram Le' Journey Continues...

O'kay after having changed out the Viborg VM503S silver plated copper AC for a Monosaudio M509G gold plated copper ( multi-layered ) AC plug, I'm able to hear a very very different presentation | as well as shift in tonal balance more towards the midrange area, yet to my ears as used to balance out the strengths, and minimize the weaknesses as primarily found on my everSOLO DMP-A6 servers where some have mentioned it's rather brighter sounding at the very top..., where I once again hear this as added detail as compared to both the Denafrips Pontus ll | Areas ll and current Ares 12th-1 where the latter is placed into our bedroom system, where the former two were sold awhile back, which are of the R2R type architecture based designs, which were nice sounding, if one was trying to add the so-called smoother analog type sound from their digital playback gear?, yet as mentioned awhile back I feel said DMP-A6 merely once again, within the confines of my main system, merely offers more weight | a nicely sense of scale | top end resolution | better as well as better sense of low end impact of which the others glossed over, as beautiful as they sounded, to my my mind it was if at the expense of articulating the notes themselves.

So as I now here it..., rhodium is no longer an option, as either the use of said silver or gold plated copper AC Male plugs ( where I feel are their most dominant location to begin with, as I haven't had the heart to try either on the IEC Female side on either of the three cords in use ) as I believe as in the old days, the male ( man | husband ) lead whereas the female ( woman | wife ) only followed his lead and acted as such in his absence, plays a secondary role here, not trying to be be set in some form of olde 1930s chauvinist attitudes mindset where some saw women as second class citizens in the least, but am firm in my beliefs that men should be men, and being overly passive as it seems some today are more concerned with some form of WAF, or weak ass line about happy wife, happy life, where I believe both parties are meant to be happy, unless I'm missing something here?, do let me know?.

Yet back on point..., I can see where one cable ( cord ) manufacturer has in fact used the combination of said gold ac and copper female, that's Synergistic Research, whereas I was asked the question earlier on, as it relates to just how many power cord manufacturers use different types of plated plugs on both ends of their cords?, whereas I've to now assume many never thought out the possibilities of what could be gained in trying out said method, but as the olde adage goes..., the proof is in the listening, not measurements in some cases. But as I told a very close friend of mine moments again, I'm so much happier where I'm today system wise than where I was say 20-40 years ago, knowing that for myself again, I only wish I had known about both the Xangsane | Greg Knight cable design years ago, as the funds saved could've been spent on items like the everSOLO DMP-A8, as well as maybe one more hybrid based integrated amp, as I see it, since said items aren't broken, I no longer feel the desire to merely change out anything for the sake of fashion, nor the desire to fit into some sort of mindless forever searching for the next big thing fan-club, clueless isn't a state of mind I ever fit into, nor being a follower of current threads need not apply as well, I just don't fit the mode.

But out the box | swimming against the tide ( grain ) thinker, let's just say I've always liked diversity as compared to following the pack as it is, different drummer | different flavor | different life choices, makes for a more grounded seasoned listener, no!.

Edits: 02/18/24

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