Home High Efficiency Speaker Asylum

Need speakers that can rock with just one watt? You found da place.


Much as I admire Lowther's use of single drivers, I have never considered they match the overall performance of a good 2 or 3 way system.

I think you are happy with your electronics but the limitation is the output from your amp. I'd look towards changing the Lowthers for a good quality full-range floor-standing horn system of even more sensitivity than the Lowthers. My money would go for a pair of used Avantgarde Unos or Duos depending on your budget.

I've been using AGs since 2002 after Stereophile voted the Unos as their Speaker of the Year following a fantastic review in their mag. I switched from big active ATC 50s and what a huge smile those Unos pout on my face!

I bought them new and sold 17 years later with not a penny loss! Then I spotted a pair of circa 2006 Duos at a bargain price. Most recently I bought new Duo XDs but I'd suggest perhaps Duos of pre-XD vintage would offer best value.

With twin 10" bass drivers (self-powered bass section), mid and top horns with 104 dB sensitivity, they need only a few watts to do justice to your Mahler, or Ellington, or anyone else.

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  • Speakers - cawson@onetel.com 08:04:26 02/27/24 (1)


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