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Which Audio Research Pre-amp

I just purchased a Mcintosh MC352 amp to drive my Magnapan 3.6 speakers and am wondering what pre might be a good match. I have been driving the Mags with a CJ PV-12 pre which I robbed from another system and Sonic Frontier 160 tube mono amps, but felt the Mags would do better with a little more power. So I sold the SF amps and got the Mcintosh. I want to return the CJ pre back to my other system so I need a pre for the Mcintosh amp. I miss the tube amp sound a little so I would prefer to stay with a tube pre with phono section.
I am intrested in Audio Research. Have read great articles about their hybrid equipment as well as pure tube. Price is a concern but not a deal breaker. Would really apreciate some advice about models such SP-9, SP-11, SP-14, and SP-15.

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Topic - Which Audio Research Pre-amp - ccoulter 18:21:33 10/04/11 (19)


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