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Re: PS: brace the 3.6's

When I had a pair of MG-3's, I replaced the thin particle-board bases with a concrete paving tile (painted black to reduce the negative WAF), added a couple of aluminum angle corner braces, then braced it to the back wall with a wood dowel against the top of the frame. Way different sounding speaker after all that, more slam, more precision.

I've used that wood dowel trick on the CLS's I used to own and on the LFT-VI's I own now. Its always a worthwhile improvement.

On the 1+1's and 2+2's I had, I braced them to the ceiling with a wood wood-working clamp... very ugly, but also very effective.

You got that big-ole panel flapping in the breeze otherwise... and losing your music!

Greg in Minneapolis

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