Given that the design - so I've been told - is virtually identical in the 63/988/2805, why would the impedance peak in the bass vary from about 110 Hz in the 63
vs. 50 in the 2805:
That's a really big difference. Is it possibly due to mechanical difference in the frame, etc.?
Edits: 04/22/24
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Topic - Quad ESL 63 Vs. 2805 Impedance Peak - PaulF70 19:44:30 04/21/24 (3)
- RE: Quad ESL 63 Vs. 2805 Impedance Peak - Roger Gustavsson 01:50:15 04/22/24 (2)
- RE: Quad ESL 63 Vs. 2805 Impedance Peak - PaulF70 10:36:41 04/22/24 (1)
- RE: Quad ESL 63 Vs. 2805 Impedance Peak - Volker 22:42:38 05/05/24 (0)