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RE: I hate my Quads!

Thank you for your kind words about my situation and all tips on alternative speakers! As Roger points out, I have had thoughts on downsizing and buy smaller speakers with conventional drivers. The reason being that we plan to move to an apartment. But this is not happening just yet!

At any rate, there are certainly service organizations here in Sweden that can repair my Quads, it is just that I am a bit tired of sending them off; either by courier or stuffing the speaker in the family estate car. Instead, I have decided to cut a corner by disconnect the faulty panel!

Our very well informed forum colleague kentaja, answered my question "Can I just disconnect a bad panel in my Quads? " here back in 2016 (when I had problems with the 989) with yes, you can! Kentaja also noted that if it is a single bass panel, I probably will not notice any difference.

Also, a gentleman from Australia, Mr Christopher Mogford, has published a brilliant instruction video on how to disassemble the 2912 on YouTube under the name "Moggy's HiFi Antics". Perhaps Mr Mogford writes here, too? This helped me to understand how the speakers are designed, mechanically.

So I will try this! But don't hold your breathe!

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  • RE: I hate my Quads! - PerStromgren 00:41:23 01/31/24 (0)


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