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RE: Tri- and Quad - amping MG 3.6 + OB subs


I have had a DEQX (HDP-3) for a long time as well and upgraded it over time. I can honestly say, using an external multi-channel DAC and PC software far exceeds the sound and capabilities of the old DEQX and doesn't tie you to a single source hardware and software supplier.

I stopped upgrading it when I caught DEQX in a misleading marketing gimmick. They advertised "supporting" high resolution audio to sell the "upgrade".

When I specifically asked them if their algorithms were using higher precision math, the response was 'we "accept" higher resolution streams'. When pushed further, they said it would be cost prohibitive to rewrite their software.

Their new high-resolution support was simply placing a software down-converter on the input (neutering any benefits of high resolution content). Very deceiving tactic and not worth the cost of admission. That is when I decided to look into other options.

My 8-channel correction filters are made with 128-bit floating point math and then down converted to 64-bit. The PC supports much more capable filters including steeper low frequency filters that the DEQX can not (DEQX runs out of taps and processing power). It also supports the DAC's native high resolution without downconverting. That is what is currently available with PC software and has been for a while.

There are multiple DACs to choose from, various operating systems, convolution engines and numerous filter creation software options that can be mixed, matched and individually upgraded over time that support minimum phase, linear phase, mixed phase, XOs and DRC.


2022/03/30 Historical Records CENSORED

Edits: 08/30/23

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