K&K Audio / Lundahl Transformers

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Posted on October 8, 2002 at 18:43:04

Posts: 412
Location: toronto
Joined: March 23, 2001
wow, it's cool having another company on the forum. i'm sure you have lurked behind the curtains before joining and have witnessed the circus that ocassionally happens. yeah, we have a few clowns who can't handle their liquor and they think they are the audio god's. it's always nice to visit the sanctity at the pi forum. anyway's welcome aboard!


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Re: welcome!, posted on October 8, 2002 at 19:06:29

Hi! The only sacred cow in my audio life is good sound, the kind that is judged by the individual who's paying for the parts, not some "expert". We are all experts once we learn to hear with our ears rather than our brains!



i agree 100% nt, posted on October 8, 2002 at 22:13:58

Posts: 412
Location: toronto
Joined: March 23, 2001


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