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Kimber Naked, Part 5

Posted on May 10, 2024 at 22:27:38

Posts: 7954
Location: Bay Area
Joined: December 11, 2000

Most audiophiles missed out, on going to college in the 1990s, when you lived in dorms, and played video games. Hahaha; here, Cindy and Jane acted as if they were beginning-level characters in an RPG. Pretty clever, how they used that concept, in order to get their dormmies to open up, reach out, become friends, and make self-improvements.

But then you moved into college apartments. The problem was, without a meal plan, you had to cook. But as college kids, you and your housemates did not have a whole lot of money, for food.

You and your housemates could go back to your parents' place, to leech more food, in both quality and quantity. Moreover, you could do the food prep there, so that when you returned to your college apartment, you just had to heat up the food.

At my college apartment, we had two identical pairs of AudioQuest Topaz. One was a year old, while the other was new. My housemates and guests felt that the new pair sounded worse than the well-used one. And that was their introduction to the phenomenon of cable "burn-in."

In the early-90s, the only cable burn-in device we were aware of was the Duo-Tech Cable Enhancer.

Since college was over three decades ago, it makes sense that we now have (a) unaffordable cables, and (b) cable burn-in devices.

If you do not have a cable burn-in device, we almost want to declare, "Don't bother with the Kimber Naked." But anyone in this market will indeed have a cable burn-in device. We use an audiodharma Cable Cooker. The good news is, the Kimber Naked only needs 3 days of Cook time. Any longer on the Cooker, and the Naked sounds warm, bloated, slow, and melted.

3 days is a long weekend, or 60% of the work/school week. Perhaps the short Cook time is on account of the Naked's conductors not being insulated. Who knows? Maybe it is the XLR plugs, which need the full three days of Cook time.

A Cooked Kimber Naked becomes more accurate, self-effacing, and devoid of grain.

If you do not have a cable burn-in device, an untreated Kimber Naked will leave you with the feeling of having just a handful of inexpensive ingredients, which aren't all that fresh. You have a bare minimum of kitchen appliances and utensils, and all of these are old, dull, and worn. And your RPG characters stay at Levels 1 and 2.

-Lummy The Loch Monster


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