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Serinus on Moon Amp

Posted on December 1, 2024 at 13:23:51

Posts: 3070
Location: fstein
Joined: May 18, 2006
Serinus in last S'phile
The owner comes to his house to set them up.
He spend the next 8 paragraphs on what to put under the amp.
If the owner won't come to your house, perhaps we could just listen to the footings.


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RE: Serinus on Moon Amp, posted on December 1, 2024 at 21:28:06

Posts: 3242
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Joined: September 1, 2005
March 1, 2018
I have the magazine and tried plowing through the review several times, instead skipping paragraphs because of the stand issue, and by then it just felt like the whole article meandered.


"I know just enough to get into trouble. But not enough to get out of it."


I just skip to the conclusion..., posted on December 2, 2024 at 00:01:21

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to read that the gear under review is the best he's ever heard.


:), posted on December 2, 2024 at 18:30:11
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Big shoes to fill, posted on December 4, 2024 at 13:52:06

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He's doing the "subjective reviewing as a madeleine" routine J Skull used to be so good at. It's lifestyle reviewing. You have to dig the vibe. If you don't, it has the reverse effect of making "footing" the last word you ever want to hear about again.

I try to give it a go. It's kind of the audiophile version of "the suck" in the military. One is supposed to be beguiled the devices are actually suffering because a screw had been accidentally not replaced on the top-plate.

Play Queen's "I'm in love with my car" and get over it, I say to myself.

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


Review after review of insanely priced amps...-.., posted on January 6, 2025 at 17:30:43

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the more they cost, the more he loves them. Don't understand why they keep doing it, just a waste of magazine space to be reviewing a $50,000+ amplifier (!) every issue. If you're going to review $50K items, why not speakers at least? Or some kind of exotic single ended monster amp like the Kronzilla? At least they are interesting and very different sounding. How many people spend $50K+ on a (solid state) amp or preamp anyway? Ridiculous.


Market boundaries must be guarded, posted on January 7, 2025 at 13:42:30

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Stereophile exists to defend the right of a stereo component to cost 5-6 figures, to guard that numerical goalpost against any sensible thinking and skepticism.

I don't get why Stereophile exists today however. The reviewer-manufacturer-dealer power trio is long dead. What market power does it have anymore? Or is it just defending 5-6 figure audio components out of some principle?

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


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