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Fosi V3 monos have arrived

Posted on November 22, 2024 at 13:29:52

Posts: 1028
Location: Cleveland!
Joined: October 13, 2010

There we go.

System is now fully balanced from the balanced Theta Miles to the BAT vk-3i to the Fosi v3 monos. They don't get overly warm. I am running two 5 amp power supplies instead of one 10 amp one.

A bit more delicate and almost gentler, but as clear as the v3 stereo. I matched levels using tones and a sweep between these and the v3 stereo. The mono's have a sturdier current through the 50-250 hz range? LRS's are happy, not surprised.They were happy before.

The errant and wicked vk-500 is banished to the TV room until I can decide to dismantle it and send it to Delaware, or just use it as an ottoman, for guests.


My listening conclusions are: Going from the v3 stereo to the v3 mono I am hearing the results, mainly, of no potentiometer. It's a mono power amp from the get go. Using a complete balanced chain also makes sense in this case for once. People who complain of heat might be using the RCA, which adds an extra op-amp to the circuit; the XLR input is the native input, not a make-do.

Yay 21st century. Beethoven (O'Conor) sounds "splendid" in the 7th piano sonata.

I bet some would find this sound too analytic, too clean. There isn't any warmth unless the artist is giving it. (My system includes a powered ML sub, not affected by the power amp choice however.)

It is impossible not to love being able to have at the very least, back-up amps, of this quality and of course, astounding price.

No vk-500 winter heater tho :(.....

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


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Excellent ! What I really want to know....., posted on November 22, 2024 at 14:37:54

Posts: 48264
Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
Joined: June 22, 2001
February 2, 2002
If your audio memory is still there for comparison how do the Fosi amps sound vs the big VK-500 ? Is the Fosi sound quality more than livable having had the VK-500 in the system?

Will the VK-500 be sent out for repair or is it just out of the main system for now ?

P.S. I had the smaller VK-200 which I thought was very robust and rich sounding and definitely the opposite of too analytic or too clean or lean. Some would describe it as 'dark' and would too. Not as much top end but rich mids on down.


RE: Excellent ! What I really want to know....., posted on November 23, 2024 at 06:48:45

Posts: 1028
Location: Cleveland!
Joined: October 13, 2010
Well I *did* have the big BAT at the shop and it worked fine for two days.

I think the best test for me is, Fournier's Bach Cello Suites (1960).

That BAT clearly beat the Fosi v3 stereo when it came to solo cello. A bit dark but yet the body-ness of the cello was clear. The v3 was not bad but does what most systems do, even using headphones: the cello sounds a bit too reedy. Not enough body, or not enough articulate body.

Sinatra, capitol years. A tie, because I personally find the clarity of the Fosi design (in both) addictive and very rewarding. Yes, being able to hear Frank sigh away from the mic at the end of the song makes a diff.

I have not done the cello test yet. Doing my orchestral tests, listening to Matthew Arnold sinfonietta's and his flute concerto on Hyperion. The flute concerto is a great test of if an amp will produce fatigue. Flute is a merciless isntrument!

I view good electronics like any good tool or musical instrument even. They deserve respect. The vk-500 is a fine amp but since it can't stay on without blowing its internal fuses, it clearly needs deep fixing.

I am not wealthy at all but I know how to hobby! I am fortunate b/c I actually budget for hifi emergencies. I just have to decide if I want to. I will likely make sure it sees a good next home somehow.

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


Those BAT amps are very nice..., posted on November 23, 2024 at 23:19:36

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sounding amps and when I heard a whole BAT system with Vanderteen 3A speakers. It was very nice sounding and didn't sound dark to me just sweet sounding system with mids were very life like and drew you into the music. The sound signature of Dark how some say may be due to the Jensen coupling caps used in all BAT gear of that era and up to when Jensen caps were no more production. I remember just sitting for a over an hour playing different music and could not pull myself away from that system, that's how good it was.

I did have a BAT VK-30 preamp that I got on a good deal and was amazed at how good it was in my system but when it came time to retube it was on the expensive side due to having to match 6 tubes as a set for the preamp. The only issues I ever had with this preamp was that it came from the seller with a DC offset issue which was due to bad coupling caps which I replaced the caps and later developed a one side lower volume than the other and filament on tubes were dim on that same side. That turned out to be a regulator that when bad in one side of the filament supply. I replaced both regulators that fixed that issue and was easy to work on.

I wish I was able to have collected all that same system I originally heard, I would have never changed that system as it is still the best system I have ever heard in person til this day. The only system that sound just as good was that PBN Audio system I heard at the Audio show in Irvine last year but it was crazy expensive.

As for me now, those Hypex Nilai 500DIY Monoblocks are working out very nicely after some tweaks with Binding posts, XLR input connectors, and power cords. The biggest change came in the binding post, I couldn't believe that it made that bid of a difference. My electric bill love them too! Hehe!


BAT + floorstanders...., posted on November 24, 2024 at 08:36:07

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Location: Cleveland!
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Got the police called on me more than once. My front porch in my old house in Cleveland functioned like a horn if I opened to two front windows.

So if I was rocking to Cornell 77, so was the next block over if it was late at night.

Me and the Cleveland police were copacetic about it. They knew I was putting out quality stuff; no 4/21/86 comes from my house. But I did have to eat a few hundred dollar tickets.

I was using Snell Type D's and those put out, no sub needed. My listening lifestyle has changed but if I anticipated a) going back to a larger listening room b) deciding to go out in a decibel blaze of glory I would be counting on doing a rebuild of the BAT, hands down. It's only money and not that much imho. That reliable ability to scale up for a real intense listen, "realistic" volume levels, is something I do not expect from either the LRS's or the Fosi's or my Audiolab. But, I'm not listening that way anymore.

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


Think about the power supplies, posted on November 25, 2024 at 10:58:19

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Location: Minnesota
Joined: April 24, 2002
The Fosi uses an outboard switching power supply. Its noisy and its noise gets into other equipment.

I think the Nobsound is a better sounding amp but its power supply is even noisier.

IMO both of these amps sound a bit boring. But they are pretty amazing for the price. I wonder how they might sound if given a decent power supply.


RE: Excellent ! What I really want to know....., posted on November 25, 2024 at 16:29:11

Posts: 48264
Location: Maidenhead Grid Square DM79
Joined: June 22, 2001
February 2, 2002

Thanks for your response and comparison.


Comparable amps with better power supplies ?, posted on November 25, 2024 at 16:51:23
peppy m.

Posts: 4457
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Feel like dropping any names ?


RE: Think about the power supplies, posted on November 25, 2024 at 19:51:39

Posts: 817
Location: Northeast
Joined: September 4, 2003
Fosi offers a 48v power supply that utilizes Gan fet technology. I'm using it with my V3 amp and it sounds much better than the stock supply. Larger soundstage and more organic reproduction of musical timbres.


Less "noisy" ? (nt, posted on November 26, 2024 at 01:40:28
peppy m.

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Joined: February 19, 2021


RE: Less "noisy" ? (nt, posted on November 26, 2024 at 06:41:03

Posts: 1028
Location: Cleveland!
Joined: October 13, 2010
I hear yeah.

I turn my preamp to 75% and I cannot hear a thing at the speakers.

I put my ear against the amps, I can't hear anything.

I put my ear against the power supplies, no noise.

So am assuming this noise is non-audible noise, which I guess I would say, then show me a measurement. Right?

When I use my toroid-powered amps, I can hear them slightly humming if I put my ear against the chassis. That's noise.
/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


Do you have a phono section or AM radio?, posted on November 26, 2024 at 08:05:32

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Location: Minnesota
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If so crank up the volume on the phono section and see if you can hear it. Put the power supply (which is on a cable so easy to move) near the phono section. If you hear anything from it or there is a change when the power supply is unplugged from the wall, its a problem.

If you have an AM radio put the power supply near that and tune across the dial. You're looking for noise that appears in certain places on the dial that isn't a radio station. Unplug the power supply- does it go away?


I was just pointing out that the stock power supply is noisy, posted on November 26, 2024 at 08:19:49

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I've thought how it might work if the supply is quiet.

I know of class D amps that do have silent power supplies but they cost a lot more; you get what you pay for...


phono at 75 - nothing still, posted on November 27, 2024 at 08:03:52

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I did the phono section test. I play record around ~25 on the volume and I turned that, too, up to 75. (no record playing of course)

It might just be an old audiophiles tale, that such noise matters are intractable and/or inherent.

These amps themselves are an affront to convention.

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


You can't be playing a record when you have the volume up, posted on November 27, 2024 at 08:05:54

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And the power supply should be close to the phono section.

I get a distinct tone out of it.


So it is audible?, posted on November 29, 2024 at 07:25:39

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Joined: October 13, 2010
In which case I'm not getting it.

My tt isn't in my listening room. Run wires through wall, turntable room doesn't share the same foundation, it's just an addition.

More people should put their turntables in a diff room. Not hard to set the cue to be very slow. I can dance while playing an LP.

Amount spent on isolation: zero

/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


update 12/8, posted on December 8, 2024 at 11:41:58

Posts: 1028
Location: Cleveland!
Joined: October 13, 2010
The v3 monos are doing fine and are clearly broken in. The main theme remains: significantly better control over the lower end than the v3 stereo, in my system.

An added feature has emerged. More usable power and drive, increased ability to handle complexity/dynamics/volume.

When the music gets garbled, I turn my amp down: either the amp or the room or me, is getting confused. My summer amp, a still-ticking Audiolab 8000a, needs to be played at around 9:30-10:00 to be its best. It's my virtuous amp. It sounds best at modest db's.

The monos are not virtuous amps.


Conclusion of now: The Fosi v3 stereo requires the same conservative approach to volume my old Audiolab requires. Both are fine amps under their decibel ceiling. The v3 monos are more beefy and allow more fun with the Magnepan LRS's. Paired with the Bat vk-3i as preamp, the v3 monos share this ability to expand if one wishes, with the still penalty-boxed vk-500. The BAT vk-500 can scale. So can the Fosi v3 monos.

I just found I can easily drive the LRS's in my 17x12 room, and easily pull off an 7-foot distance b/w speaker centers w/o losing steam or focus. I'm used to living in an ez 5-foot distance, for practical reasons mostly. I can adapt?

I was not prepared for this but, like the bigger BAT, the monos can deal the juice. I was running the vk-3i into the stereo version, at volume knob at 21. Then I said hmm and went to 25, fine enough. It's at 30 now, and the v3 monos are easily handling things.

Spoiler: Virtue pays. Volume is addictive. Warm months come, I will switch back to the Audiolab which will reimpose discipline and good order among my cilia. For now, it looks like I've moved from the front of the 1st balcony, to Row F.

Finally. Time for Bruckner?
/ optimally proportioned triangles are our friends


Try the Sparkos opamps, posted on December 14, 2024 at 23:14:51

Posts: 1927
Location: Pacific Northwest
Joined: November 12, 2001
If finances allow, try the Sparkos opamps (two per mono). They made quite a noticeable improvement in my system.

To me, it's mind boggling the quality of sound these tiny monos produce. And I agree with you, clean and lean.

"Man, that mouse is Awesome." - Kaemon (referring to Jerry, of Tom and Jerry fame)


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