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Tube DIY Asylum: Assemblage 300B SET - 300B Tube overheating by Laufert

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Assemblage 300B SET - 300B Tube overheating

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Greetings. I'm having a problem with my Assemblage 300B SET amplifier. I've had the amp for about 2 years and this is the first problem I've had. The right channel 300B tube is over heating when the rectifier tubes (5U4G) are inserted. When the rectifiers are not inserted the 300b heats normally. When I initially looked into the problem the two 100ohm 5% resistors which are connected to the each of the filament posts were blown. I replaced the resistors and the problem persists. I've relocated the resistors thinking that the PCB was damaged when the resistors blew. The voltages across the rest of the circuit look fine when the 300Bs are not inserted.

Does anyone have any ideas to solve my problem?

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Topic - Assemblage 300B SET - 300B Tube overheating - Laufert 18:47:12 12/27/04 ( 2)