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Tube DIY Asylum: Looking to hire somebody to fix Belles 21A preamp by Scottrt

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Looking to hire somebody to fix Belles 21A preamp

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I have owned my Belles 21A preamp for 11 years and now it has a 60 hz hum. This pre uses two 12AU7 output tubes and has solid state power supply and regulation. It sat unused for over a yearTurned it on and the right channel was dead, but no hum. While poking around with a meter I found a resistor that went hi-z , but also managed to short something out near the pS main output transistor and blew-up a diode and who knows what else. Both channels work now, but I have a hum in both channels that is of fixed volume..not real loud butunaffected by volume knob. I am willing to pay any reasonable fee to have unit fixed.

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Topic - Looking to hire somebody to fix Belles 21A preamp - Scottrt 03:21:04 04/13/18 ( 1)