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Digital Drive: Benchmark DAC1 advice please by S Kenny

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Benchmark DAC1 advice please

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I have a upgrading budget at the moment of around $1-1.5K, and do not believe this will allow me to purchase a componant that will be a sufficient upgrade to what I have already, (My system is listed in my profile). I am currently using an Arcam Alpha 5 CDP, and while I think this is a very capable CDP, with good vocal presentation, it doesn't pick out the instruments as well as I would like.
I am considering the Benchmark DAC1, after its reviews and what was written about it here, as a solution to this and as replacement for my B&K Pro 5 pre amp. I have read that the Benchmark's downfall (if it has one) would be the volume control. Is anyone using the Benchmark as a pre amp? Your advice would be appreciated.

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Topic - Benchmark DAC1 advice please - S Kenny 00:55:59 01/10/05 ( 5)