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Re: JK Sony TAP vs. Processor Question

Posted by jk@home on September 8, 2002 at 04:24:04:

This setup is my first Dolby Digital surround system...originally I was using a Sony TAE1000ES preamp with prologic, (and a bunch of DSP modes I never use) / mitz. VCR to play back the weekly blockhead movie rentals, was waiting for DVD rentals to become availible. Also was using a Sony ES cd player for audio. When the CD player started having problems, then was a good time to replace it with a DVD/CD player (Sony DVP-NC650V). Because of the current copycat crap, all hi-rez/DVD players come with built-in decoding with analog outputs. By adding the TAP, I could leave the current preamp in the system, using "5.1 bypass", and send the DVD signal to the "5.1 input1", and still add another 5.1 and 2.0 source for later.

I can only assume that a high-end prepro would sound better, for more cost, but it seems like every time a new "surround format" is introduced, it will make that great prepro "obsolete". As is the case with so many things going on in the audio/video market right now. Damm my ass hurts from sitting on this fence!

Anyway...The Sony TAP is a geat product, very quiet (leave it on 24/7), and seems to be well built. This combo sounds fine to me, using Aragon/Thiels for mains and Marantz,NAD/Def.Techs for ctn/rears. Adding the ICBM (between the DVD and TAP) is mandatory if you don't have 5 full range speakers (who does?). One cavet I have is I found that by using the "recombine" funtion of the ICBM, which sends a full range signal to the mains, and a selected range (I'm using 80hz. on all channels) of the same main signal to the sub, gives the best bass responce the Thiels have every had. But running the mains bypassed out of the ICBM, for a slightly cleaner sound, and still feeding that ICBM sub signal, does't give me the same results. Go figure. The other caveat is you end up with lots of level controls, (5 for the bass signal!) lots of fun to set up.