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RE: Hi-Rez "Flagship" Digital Music Player/Streamer/Preamp and Headphone Amplifier

Posted by John Elison on February 28, 2024 at 13:23:58:

I'm wondering if you subscribe to YouTube. Every time I begin watching YouTube, they ask me to subscribe and the subscription price seems awfully expensive. Therefore, I just keep watching for free with ads continually interrupting the program.

I just connected the audio output from my HDTV to my FiiO R9 via Toslink optical, and it really sounds good through my Mini Maggie's. I also listen through a pair of Dynaudio XEO 20 Bluetooth speakers, but the Mini Maggie's sound a lot better.

Anyway, do you subscribe to YouTube or continue to watch it for free like I do with ads continually interrupting the program?

John Elison