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REVIEW: VH Audio Flavors 1, 2, and 3 Cable

Model: Flavors 1, 2, and 3
Category: Cable
Suggested Retail Price: $129
Description: VH Audio Power
Manufacturer URL: VH Audio
Manufacturer URL: VH Audio

Review by rockpassion (A) on May 13, 2004 at 13:12:01
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for the Flavors 1, 2, and 3

I never thought that Power Cords could make such a difference. I have an all tube system and mostly listen to LP's. I really like the sound but occasionally it sounded veiled and not as dynamic and musical as I would like. Being a DIY person I figured let's try the PC mods. I had read a lot of good things about doing this upgrade and decided Chris' version looked good, had great reviews, and was fairly inexpensive.

I finished the #2 PC in about 2 hours using Chris's recipe. I bought everything I needed directly from the VH Audio website for about $70 (five foot cable). I used the Cryoed wire and the Wattgate 5266i also Cryoed version. This cable was directly wired into my Bottlehead Foreplay Preamp so I did not need the IEC connector.

With this modification the veil has been lifted. The music presentation is more forward with much better spatial definition and articulation (much cleaner and clearer). It has also dramatically increased the bass capabilities. My bass is much tighter and also well placed in the soundstage. It also made a huge difference when playing LP's. The soundstage and articulation improved by 50% on some albums.

But just from a non-technical listening point of view my system has become much more musical. Even my wife made a comment on how much better it sounded. I could not be happier. What a great buy and it looks good.

When my wife gives me my allowance for the next mods I plan I doing another PC for my CD and then my Phono Preamp. I can't wait to hear the change.

I would definitely recommend this change to anyone looking to do PC upgrade.


Product Weakness: I needed my wife to help a couple of times so that I could do some of the constuction.
Product Strengths: Easy to assemble, looks good, sounds marvelous and inexpensive.

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: Dynaco MKIII Curcio Mods
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Bottlehead Foreplay
Sources (CDP/Turntable): VPI MkIII RB250 TA/Dynavector
Speakers: DIY using Watt/Puppy design
Cables/Interconnects: Joh Risch Belden Cable
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jass, Classical, Rock, Folk
Room Size (LxWxH): 15 x 18 x 10
Time Period/Length of Audition: 2 weeks
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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Topic - REVIEW: VH Audio Flavors 1, 2, and 3 Cable - rockpassion 13:12:01 05/13/04 (0)

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