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VTL's anyone?

I am new to this venue, so please forgive if this is old territory. Have you had a discussion of the merits/demerits of VTL's? I am particularly
curious about the 250 and 450 monoblocks -- and am definitely not
satisfied with Michael Fremer's opinion of the latter. He is so
committed to nimble, fleet, lite, etc. etc. that I'm not sure he can hear
whatever virtues the 450's have: my impression is that they lie in another direction. My concern about the 250's (pure triode, unlike the switchable 450's) is whether or not they have enough oomph for the 86 db/4 ohm Audio Physic Libras, which is what I have in mind for them. A new guy at Immedia, AP importer (who came there from Singer's where he'd been listening to to VTL and Audio Physics everyday) prefers the 250's for A-P's, though I'm not sure he's heard them with Libras, which hadn't arrived before he left. I have the sense, second-hand only, that Luke Manley prefers the 450's. I did hear the 250's driving the Libras once (Singer's in NYC)but only briefly and they sounded good but a little bass shy. To be fair there were too many variables to make much of a judgment: Linn digital front end, new Libras. Comments?

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Topic - VTL's anyone? - Bob Neill 13:20:50 04/21/99 (1)

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