because I poicked up the CD a week ago at a discounted rate and therefore assume it has been out for a while?
I have not gotten to giving it a serious listen yet - having too much fun with others - but this album seems in similar style to previous efforts, tho adds an industrial feel and uses less of the standard song arrangement of their prevous albums. Third is not as instantly accessible and perhaps a little more disconcerting than their previous albums. I will need give it a few listens so I can listen beyond / beneath the harsher auditory aesthetics and get a genuine feel for this album. Ah, the challenges... ;^)
Man, I have not been into music as I am at present for a very long time.
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Topic - Okay - have I missed the Portisehead 'Third' discussion?.. - RC Daniel 15:11:28 05/01/08 (6)
- Some Young Guy - Sordidman 16:08:06 05/02/08 (0)
- The latest album - rocky raccoon 14:44:31 05/02/08 (4)
- Interesting you bring up... - RC Daniel 17:36:47 05/04/08 (3)
- Final thoughts (if there was ever such a thing for me!) - RC Daniel 20:16:16 05/07/08 (2)
- A harshness - Sordidman 13:04:56 05/21/08 (1)
- Sordid, I think we share... - RC Daniel 23:18:53 05/21/08 (0)