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RE: such an odd dichotomy

"I do believe in measurements. Sometimes, I wonder if the right measurements are provided with reviews."

With reviews? Seldom

"The ASR crowd often point to measurements to decide what is better."

IMO a lot of them also have a very narrow and dated view on measurements and their meaning.

"Whilst I don't discount the measurements provided, not sure the measurements provided tell the whole story. Some of the gear measurements do not fully correlate to our actual listening results."

What can be done and what actually is done are often pretty far apart.

"We all have auditioned gear where the measurements point to one conclusion, but listening reveals a different conclusion. (Harsh, steely, strident, etc.)"

I think this can in some cases be attributed to misinterpreting measurements.

"Very little gear today actually measures poorly. Some obviously measure better than others,"

I balk at the notion of measurements being good or bad. It's the correlation between measurements and listening that gives us the useful tool. If we deem a measurement good or bad and it does not correlate to good or bad sound we have mislabeled the measurement.

"but again, correlating measurements to actual listening only goes so far. We all have different preferences, and those preferences often have the most influence on what we like."

I don't see any divide there. measurements can be correlated with individual preferences

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  • RE: such an odd dichotomy - Analog Scott 13:22:28 03/18/24 (0)

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