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RE: Where do you stand?

I just turned 76, retired ten years ago. I have been extremely fortunate as my wife of 55 years and I are in pretty good physical shape for oldsters.

Like a lot of guys, I have a fair amount of disposable income I can use to buy toys (woodworking tools, art supplies, audio gear, etc.) but at this stage in life, I'm always asking myself whether a purchase is really necessary, or will I get enough use out of an item to warrant buying it? I'd love to get a lute, but good ones are expensive and there's a 4-5 year waiting list on instruments made by really good luthiers. Will I even live long enough to get one, and will I be in any kind of shape to play it? Don't know, so no lute.

I'm actually looking to downsize in a number of areas including audio. I sold my ARC VT-100 Mk III stereo power amplifier on eBay recently. It was a great amp, but I wasn't using it.

I have two pair of speakers and will sell one pair fairly soon. So it goes.



Edits: 01/17/24

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  • RE: Where do you stand? - George S. Roland 13:13:47 01/17/24 (0)


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