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REVIEW: Signal Cable MagicPower Digital AC Cord HC Cable

Model: MagicPower Digital AC Cord HC
Category: Cable
Suggested Retail Price: $70 and up
Description: High current AC power cord for digital sources
Manufacturer URL: Signal Cable
Model Picture: View

Review by photomensch (A) on September 08, 2004 at 09:56:27
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for the MagicPower Digital AC Cord HC

It's been my opinion that you typically get what you pay for. So it's especially exciting when a product comes along that actually delivers more than what you pay for. Such is the case with the MagicPower Digital AC Cord HC.

I recently decided to upgrade the AC power cord for my Sony DVP-S9000ES SACD/CD/DVD player. But when my faithful purveyor of high end audio gear quoted me about $300 for a new JPS power cord I became somewhat dismayed. As a result, I decided to look for a used cord on Audiogon and accidentally came across an ad for Signal Cable, which included an assortment of impressive reviews from customers. Given that the price for what I needed was only $70, I decided to take a chance and place an order.

After a few days of listening I've come to the conclusion that my new cord isn't a tweak - it's a necesity. I can't believe the increase in performance of what I already thought was a high performance SACD/CD player. Bass response is improved and has more weight. At the same time the sound is more relaxed and less "CD-like." Midrange and room ambience have also improved.

If you have any doubts, listen to Fanfare for the Common Man on the Reference Recordings CD, Out of Sight on the Concord SACD, and the CD of Eva Cassidy Live at Blues Alley - to name just a few.

There are plenty of AC cords and boutique upgrades available costing hundreds of dollars. But if you want to get the most from your CD, SACD or DVD-A player, start by getting a Signal Cable digital power cord. You might forget about those upgrades and find you'll have plenty of money left over for music ware.

Product Weakness: Very stiff cable and long IEC connector. Make sure you have room and maneuverability to install.
Product Strengths: High performance- low price tag.

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: AES Cary Six Pacs
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Belles 21A
Sources (CDP/Turntable): Sony DVP-S9000ES/Rega P3 with Elys cartridge
Speakers: Merlin VSM-M
Cables/Interconnects: JPS speaker cable/DH Labs BL-1 ICs
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz, classical, female vocalists
Room Size (LxWxH): 18 x 12 x 10
Room Comments/Treatments: Drapes and carpeting
Time Period/Length of Audition: One week
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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Topic - REVIEW: Signal Cable MagicPower Digital AC Cord HC Cable - photomensch 09:56:27 09/08/04 (6)

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