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REVIEW: VH Audio Flavors 1, 2, and 3 Cable

Model: Flavors 1, 2, and 3
Category: Cable
Suggested Retail Price: $129
Description: VH Audio Power
Manufacturer URL: VH Audio
Manufacturer URL: VH Audio

Review by LKDog (A) on June 06, 2003 at 14:03:53
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for the Flavors 1, 2, and 3

This review is for the Flavor 3 Power cord for non-grounded digital gear.

I am using this on my Pioneer Elite DVD/CD player, a good but not great unit for two channel. I have a Dedicated Audio IEC adapter that allows use of the standard IEC three prong power cord.

Have had the Flavor 3 power cord burning in for about a week now.

The transparency and detail is amazing. Seemed a little bright and grainy at first, but the sound is mellowing now and is smooth and neutral.

The soundstage has become very large, higher, and deeper.

Many recordings now sound totally different with regard to soundstage, especially the acoustic jazz ensemble recordings. In some cases musicians have moved around and back several “virtual” feet. Lots of detail not previously noticed so it helps the Pioneer retrieve information and context much better.

Soundstage depth was a weakness of my system before. When I added the VH Audio Flavor 2 Power Cord to the integrated amp, this improved a lot. Now with the Flavor 3 on the source-it is lifelike on very good recordings. The recording room ambience is very noticeable.

The separation of instruments into their own space is very impressive, yet the music stays together.

I guess did not realize the prevous DIY Volex cord I was using had a darker quality on the digital source.

This is my second VH Audio power cord. Great power cords and easily worth much more than their price.

Although I am not as experienced as many here at AA, it would be hard to imagine anything at this price allowing your gear to function at its best.

My system has certainly never sounded better.

Product Weakness: The improved transparency and detail may be a matching issue in some systems. I realize that wire is a synergy thing for many systems. My equipment was pretty neutral to begin with so it has been an excellent improvement for me.
Product Strengths: Transparency, detail, soundstage all improved significantly.

Associated Equipment for this Review:
Amplifier: MF A300
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): none
Sources (CDP/Turntable): Pioneer Elite
Speakers: ACI Sapphires
Cables/Interconnects: DH Labs BL 1 IC, DH Labs T14 speaker wire
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Funk, Jazz, Fusion, Blues
Room Size (LxWxH): 25 x 15 x 8
Room Comments/Treatments: sofa, carpet
Time Period/Length of Audition: week
Type of Audition/Review: Product Owner

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Topic - REVIEW: VH Audio Flavors 1, 2, and 3 Cable - LKDog 14:03:53 06/06/03 (0)

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