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Xangsane SP-9003Ag IC's l XS-1102Ag USB Cable In-House

Hello Dantheman,
I merely wanted to follow upon our discussion regarding the Odin 2 | Xangsane XS-1102Ag usb cables, as I got a 1.5m length one in earlier this morning | yet wasn't able to listen to it until my wife and I returned from my doctors appointment.

For the life of me, I've never been able to understand why some can hear the effects of changing cables | power cords upon installing them off the bat?, maybe it's because after 19 years of having borrowed different cable via the Cable Company where on average all I needed was a few tracks to know which cables or cords stood out in my system?, I've never had to hold onto any of their cables for the extended 10 loan period | more often than not would've to call them the very next day to inform them the courier could come by our home and pick them back up for return.

I'm inclined to think that opposed to listening to the sound of the cables themselves | my attention is focused on the artist singing or the timbre of the instruments, where trying to distinguish between treble | midrange | low end detail aren't at said moment a priority | it's the phasing or range of any given vocalist stylings or the resonance of a stringed instrument that draws my attention first | foremost. No golden ears on my part in so much as having re-learned what to listen for | as much as how to listen for said differences within the musicians playing or singing.

As we all know ( or should? ) if the midrange is presented in its truest form | the rest of the audio spectrum is meant to far into place.

As you've mentioned on several occasions there's something special going on here with how Xangsane | Preffair | Audiocrast have all learned how to voice | or better yet implement sterling silver wires in such a manner that comes across to " my ears " as being extremely well balanced | musically correct | engaging in such a manner that no matter what?, I find it's very very very hard for me to go back to pure copper IC's | while I do own both the clone Accuphase M. C. D102 MK lll Hybrid | Accuphase 40th Anniversary IC's, my quest stops here.

I'm awaiting both the Xangsane SP-9003Ag | SP-9001Ag IC's to arrive | based upon what I'm currently hearing | the reports from KanedaK | ABliss | Jon L. I'm thinking more and more music lovers seriously owe it to themselves to hear what's possible for less than $200, cost efficiency goes a long ways once we begin to realize there are times where paying hundreds or thousands, just isn't necessary if one knows how to listen | what they're listening for?. Everything else should be viewed as secondary.

" After more listening " I've to wonder if any other cable manufacturers remotely thought about using .925 sterling silver wiring in the cable lines?, as this has weight | texture | tonality | timbre shadings of which has forced me to retire my once beloved | prized clone Odin 2 usb cables ( of which I ended up with a total of 4 of them | different connectors | thickness and so on ) but the added sense of weight itself behind plucked bass notes come across as being even more grounded | with that all important ( to me ) silence between | around each and every note.

Said sense of weight offers one a more secure foundation if anything adding another layer of realism | spaciousness I've never experienced from any of my past $495-$945 usb cables, weirder even still is..., if others hadn't mentioned this brand, I'd still feel as I was being left behind, as one's system ( wisdom | taste ) evolves, so should our keener sense of what's needed?, or missing?, and address said concerns via system voicing | here's where it's vital to understand the signature of any given cable ( brand ) which applies to different ones needed from one's DAC | Preamp - Power Amp ( Integrated Amps ) sections | followed by the Speakers, as there are times where one brand or mixture of wiring types used, might please some..., but much like tubes, no one brand shouod ever be used more than once in any given circuit | as the reality of say relying upon a brand like NOS Mullard based designs made between say 1950-56, while I adore them for the wonderful midrange beauty, it's as if the very top and low end responses are no where to be found, it's when one introduces another brand which itself emphasizes said top or low end much much better, then one feels a sense of balance has been restored.

Tubes | Wires no matter how some view it?, or in fact other means of tone control..., yet once again not one brand of either fits all, hence the importance of listening | learning for ourselves what speaks to our core | our hearts | brings about a sense of rejoice | enlightenment as if everything before us is all about " Beauty above all else ", for without beauty, life itself would be rather boring, would it not?. I look at my system as I do my wife of 47 years, and while we've gotten slightly thicker | our hair has grayed | our skin isn't as tight as it once was, I love what I see just as much as the seconds | minutes | hours | days | weeks | months | years before..., said beauty is in itself timeless and just as essential to me as breathing.

Speak to me gently my dearest wife | system, and I'll follow you both to the ends of the time.

Just the facts | nothing more | or less.

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Topic - Xangsane SP-9003Ag IC's l XS-1102Ag USB Cable In-House - el34eh@yahoo.com 09:03:07 03/17/23 (27)


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