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Re: Not in my experience - unfortunately.

Did those both have metal shields on them? i know the Flavor 1 does.

I can only vouch for the unshielded twisted pair cable in a Flavor 2 design, it knocks the DH Labs AC Power Plus cable's i've been using in the dirt...

Seems to me like CV's tone is spot on and my amp images SO much better with the unshielded twisted pair.

I probably won't get into the Flavor 4 for a while..none of my stuff draws enough current. For powered subs, a phono preamp and a cable to power the power strip...its gonna be CV's unshielded twisted pair in the Flavor 2 design.

lots of 'life' in the cable i recomend.

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  • Re: Not in my experience - unfortunately. - mattcecil1@yahoo.com 14:54:57 04/17/07 (0)


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