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Interconnects, speaker wire, power cords. Ask the Cable Guys.

Also, try stores that sell military surplus electronics.

It can be expensive bought through normal distribution channels, if you have to buy a whole spool at a time. Electronics stores that sell surplus parts may sometimes have it for very little.

One of my best scores was when a local store was having a sale. I found a spool that had most of its original 500 feet, and asked the manager how much. He said $4, so I rushed to the checkout. My wife was haggling over a few cents difference between the part number price and the bin price of a hemostat, and I was trying to signal her to just pay what they asked so I could escape before they reconsidered the price of the wire!

This stuff has a directional sonic character. You can neutralize the directionality by cutting each conductor in the middle, and reversing one of the halves. Splice, solder, and insulate, then make up the cable.

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  • Also, try stores that sell military surplus electronics. - Al Sekela 11:26:26 04/02/07 (0)


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